Monday, January 27, 2014

Post 2

My friend Sam and I went to the mall to observe people and this is the chart we came up with:
Man in a coat
He’s cold and hasn’t removed it yet from being outside
Young man sat outside a shop on his phone
Stuck waiting for his girlfriend to finish shopping and bored
Teenage girl with parents and an ice cream
She got ice cream because she wants to be with her friends and its how her parents enticed her into going
Dad and two young children throwing coins into the fountain
Kids are excited but dad is cautious because he doesn’t want them to fall in
Mum and daughter look very similar shopping together
Mum wants to be daughter and daughter hates it
Three male friends walking around aimlessly
Hanging out with nowhere to go and nothing to do
Couple buying a suit in a taylor shop, woman does most of the talking
Its her choice and hes just their for sizing purposes
Woman carrying a young girls dress
Mum out to buy daughters dress for an occasion
Security officer walking around playing with his walkitalky
He’s bored and has been there for a while
Mum and Kids throwing coins in a fountain
Kids very excited, Mum is cautious but glad to have them entertained so she can sit down
Dad and son with a sports shop shopping bag
Went out to get sports clothing and cant wait to leave the mall
Our Parking Lot contained the following beliefs:
All men hate the Mall,
All girls are spending either their Dad's, Boyfriends or Husbands money,
Mums enjoy going shopping with their daughters more than they do.

I tended to notice the people's stances and what they were doing, whereas Sam noticed facial features and focused a lot on their emotions. However, our interpretations were fairly similar from different observations, which was interesting because it shows that everything can be interpreted in certain ways. We are both people who don't really like shopping, or the Mall, so a lot of our interpretations were saying that other people disliked being there too. I also think we focused a lot more on the individuals who looked like they were having less fun there. We were both more inclined to interpret things about individuals rather than explain what we see thoroughly, and that was surprising to both of us. We thought it would have been easier just to describe people and what they were doing, but instead that was the hardest part. Our parking lot contained stereotypes that we always thought about when we thought about shopping, and I think they are things that everyone else thinks too.

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